my_way_press | 16/11/2022
The United States Announces the First Cohort of Countries to Endorse the Ocean Conservation Pledge at COP27
During the seventh Our Ocean Conference in Palau, the United States announced the Ocean Conservation Pledge – an...
my_way_press | 16/11/2022
MI5 Director General Ken McCallum on threats and risks from Chinese authorities
Earlier today, MI5 Director General Ken McCallum delivered his annual Threat Update. While discussing a range of threats facing the...
my_way_press | 16/11/2022
Β. Πετίνης (RSM Greece): Δημιουργώντας ανταγωνιστικό πλεονέκτημα μέσα από ποικιλόμορφα ΔΣ
«Με τόσα καινούρια θέματα, τομείς, κινδύνους, ευκαιρίες, είναι αυτονόητο ότι κανένας CEO δεν μπορεί να είναι ειδικός, να...
my_way_press | 16/11/2022
Grecotel: Διεθνής προβολή της κρητικής διατροφής σε Επιστημονικό συνέδριο στο Ρέθυμνο
Από το Ελληνικό Κέντρο Αριστείας Υγείας και Ευεξίας και τον Όμιλο Ν. Δασκαλαντωνάκη-Grecotel Με πολύ μεγάλη επιτυχία...
my_way_press | 16/11/2022
Aging is the Real Population Bomb
Population aging is the top global demographic trend; the pandemic can teach us how to prepare for it...
my_way_press | 16/11/2022
The Architectonic Theory of Justice
Claire: Would I be right to suspect you’ve been reading Plato’s Republic? I’ll discuss The Republic, in any case, because Plato is...
my_way_press | 16/11/2022
Placebos and objective reality
A placebo is a human intervention that changes the story we tell ourselves. And those stories are powerful....
my_way_press | 16/11/2022
7 Ways to Never Feel the Imposter Syndrome Again
The imposter syndrome is feeling like you don’t belong at the table, even though there’s good evidence you...
my_way_press | 16/11/2022
“Slowly, but surely” is a wildly underrated strategy. Did you read that third word? Like, really read it? “…Surely”...