Two Stanford Professors Explain How to Produce Hundreds of World-Changing Ideas In 1 Hour
my_way_press | 30/11/2022Cramming everyone into a conference room to “spitball” is a disaster. But with some structure and a system, literally...
Twelve Things I Don’t Give a Shit About Right Now
my_way_press | 13/11/2022They’re wasting your time and draining your life. Everyone wants you to care about their agenda. As such,...
10 Things You Won’t Give a F*ck About in 10 Years
my_way_press | 06/11/202210 years on you can’t even remember ex-lovers or what they looked like naked. Every f*ck you give...
Αγκαλιάστε την εμμονή σας
my_way_press | 31/10/2022Η επιλογή μιας θέσης σε κάνει εμπόρευμα. Η επιλογή μιας εμμονής σε κάνει μοναδικό. Όταν ξεκινάτε αγκαλιάζοντας τις εμμονές...
The Most Addictive Drug Is Making Money Doing Something You Love
my_way_press | 18/10/2022Getting paid for work you’d happily do for free is the best feeling in the world. I’ve been lucky...
Cheat Codes for Life I Know at 36 That I Wish I Knew at 26
my_way_press | 09/10/2022Our older selves are always wiser. At 26 I had a closed mind, eating disorder, and thought I was...
Elon Musk Is Our Saviour and Will Get Us to Mars. The Rest of the World Leaders Are Grandpas
my_way_press | 25/09/2022When we zoom in and focus on his day-to-day antics, his jerk side blinds us from what’s actually happening....
These Clues Reveal Why You Are Underperforming in Life (Unnecessarily)
my_way_press | 18/09/2022#3 – You usually succeed Nothing is wrong yet everything feels … blah. You’re not happy and you...
The Great Constriction
my_way_press | 14/09/2022“n nooks all over the earth sit men who are waiting, scarcely knowing in what way they are waiting,...
12 Non-Obvious Traits of High Performers
my_way_press | 05/09/2022A high performer is a person who consistently executes their craft at a top-1% level over an extended period...