All posts tagged "Big Tech"
my_way_press | 31/07/2023
Hollywood’s writers and actors are on strike. As I’ve written before, their leaders have picked the wrong moment to cast...
my_way_press | 06/11/2022
Elephants in the Room
In 2017 I wrote a book about Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google called The Four. After working my ass...
my_way_press | 17/07/2022
Can Taxing Big Tech Save Journalism
One of the most meaningful changes in our economy in the past decade has been the astronomical growth...
my_way_press | 15/04/2022
Umpires, Not Kings
Competition over scarce resources is at the heart of our evolution as a species and the success of...
my_way_press | 03/11/2021
The enduring, profitable myth of online advertising
The big internet companies – they know all about us, right? Facebook tracks us, evaluates our preferences and...
my_way_press | 23/07/2021
Taxing Big Tech in a (de)globalizing(?) world
The rapid substitution of digital for bricks-and-mortar transactions as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic has proved both...
my_way_press | 01/06/2021
Lost in the Super Market
New Collection: American Compass Takes on Tech The digital era has revolutionized human life. Everything from labor...
my_way_press | 07/04/2021
The Future Of Clinical Trials: How AI, Big Tech, & Covid-19 Could Make Drug Development Cheaper, Faster, & More Effective
Testing new drugs is a slow and expensive process. AI has the potential to disrupt clinical trials —...
my_way_press | 26/03/2021
How can fintech be (more) inclusive?
Digital technology is transforming the financial industry, changing the way payments, savings, borrowing, and investment services are provided...
my_way_press | 06/03/2021
Big Tech’s research teams on shaky ground
The research arms of Big Tech companies have made breakthroughs galore — but as the industry’s role in society...