End the State Monopoly on Facts

We need sources for information outside the executive branch, to both restore a proper balance of power and prevent overreliance on one source of information.

“Experience is the oracle of truth,” James Madison wrote, with an eye to reforming America’s early government, “and where its responses are unequivocal, they ought to be conclusive and sacred.” Nearly two years into humanity’s struggle against Covid-19, we should consult the same oracle to better understand the task of reform in our own time.

Among the many lessons recent experience teaches are two about government administration. First, Covid-19 reminded us once again that American government is ill-suited to pivot from an emergency footing to a non-emergency footing. And second, America’s informational institutions are too concentrated within the executive branch’s administrative agencies, exacerbating the rest of government’s and the public’s dependence on them for information. These two problems are related.

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