All posts tagged "πολιτική"
my_way_press | 27/06/2022
Why is so much political commentary misleading?
Much political commentary is highly misleading. Though media evaluation of policy agendas and the conduct of politicians tends...
my_way_press | 24/06/2022
A World Bereft of Statesmanship
Most periods of Western history have their statesmen. It’s hard to imagine the late-eighteenth century absent William Pitt...
my_way_press | 08/06/2022
Extreme Honesty
Lots of the people I associate with (largely Effective Altruists, Rationalists, and forecasters) seem to be believers in...
my_way_press | 23/05/2022
The World in 2072
Lots of writing about the future takes one of two forms: Dystopian: everything is awful! Robots/Fascists/Communists/...
my_way_press | 18/01/2022
Distrust in political, media and business leaders sweeps the globe
Trust in government is collapsing, especially in democracies, according to a new global survey. Why it matters: People also...
my_way_press | 03/01/2022
Covid and the inevitability of institutional distrust
Καθώς η πανδημία συνεχίζεται, μια σειρά δυνάμεων θα συνδυαστούν για να μειώσουν την πίστη στους πολιτικούς θεσμούς. Ο...
my_way_press | 06/10/2021
Why Businessmen Make Such Unimpressive Politicians
In 2016, we watched time and time again as polls stated that people liked Donald Trump because he is a...
my_way_press | 16/01/2021
Politics Won’t Fix the American Decline
By any measure, 2020 was not a very good year for human freedom. By now everyone is very...
my_way_press | 01/12/2015
Μόνο το νερό μπορεί να ξεσκεπάσει τον ψευτοκολυμβητή (Αραβική παροιμία)
Όλες οι εξελίξεις, δηλώσεις και ομιλίες των κομμάτων • Ε. Βενιζέλος: «Προς Θεού, μην διαπραγματεύστε άλλο» Στην...
my_way_press | 21/07/2015
DW: Πολιτικοί, πολιτική και δημοσκόποι
H ελληνική κρίση δίχασε τους Γερμανούς. Από τη μια θέλουν να βοηθήσουν τους ανθρώπους, από την άλλη δεν...