my_way_press | 27/07/2021
Erdogan, the Diyanet, and its Field Office near DC
Across Turkey and the Turkish diaspora around the world, wariness of the Diyanet, Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs,...
my_way_press | 27/07/2021
IMF: Drawing Further Apart: Widening Gaps in the Global Recovery
The recovery is not assured until the pandemic is beaten back globally The global economic recovery continues,...
my_way_press | 27/07/2021
Rescuing The Olympic Games From Their Own Success
It is time to consider significant reforms to the way the Olympics are pursued, prepared for, and hosted...
my_way_press | 27/07/2021
Cryptoassets as National Currency? A Step Too Far
New digital forms of money have the potential to provide cheaper and faster payments, enhance financial inclusion, improve...
my_way_press | 27/07/2021
ΕΥ Ελλάδος: Δημιουργεί νέα γραφεία στην Πάτρα
Η ΕΥ Ελλάδος ανακοινώνει τη δημιουργία νέων γραφείων στην Πάτρα, επενδύοντας στο υψηλού επιπέδου ανθρώπινο δυναμικό της πόλης...
my_way_press | 27/07/2021
Mapped: Visualizing GDP per Capita Worldwide in 2021
GDP per capita has steadily risen globally over time, and in tandem, the standard of living worldwide has...