my_way_press | 03/08/2021
The next global crisis is already here—and it’s even worse than COVID-19
Imagine the horrors of coronavirus, compounded and made permanent. That’s climate change. Politicians who care about the future...
my_way_press | 03/08/2021
America is back. But is it really?
At the beginning of his presidency, Joe Biden vowed to “repair our alliances and engage with the world once again, not...
my_way_press | 03/08/2021
Η εξωστρέφεια των ανθρώπων της ΛΟΑΤΚΙ κοινότητας στην εργασία ενθαρρύνει την παραγωγικότητά τους
Η εξωστρέφεια των ανθρώπων στην εργασία ενθαρρύνει την παραγωγικότητά τους: Περισσότερο αφοσιωμένοι και καινοτόμοι, το 62% του δυναμικού...
my_way_press | 03/08/2021
EY: Το 68% των καταναλωτών παγκοσμίως ζητούν οι επιχειρήσεις να αναλάβουν δράση για τη βιωσιμότητα
-Το 78% των καταναλωτών ανησυχούν για τα οικονομικά τους -Το 51% θέλουν να πραγματοποιούν πιο βιώσιμες αγορές, αλλά...
my_way_press | 03/08/2021
When **it Gets Real
Part One: This is your brain on discontinuity Discontinuity is best seen from above. The faster change is...
my_way_press | 03/08/2021
On Medici and Thiel
We should radically scale genius grants I think the single most misdirected bit of philanthropy in this...
my_way_press | 03/08/2021
After Minimalism
“All great ages have left a record of themselves in their styles of building. Why should we not...
my_way_press | 03/08/2021
Cities’ sustainable ambitions held back by lack of labelling
Private finance vital after Covid-19 drained government coffers Rapid urbanisation lifted many people out of poverty and...
my_way_press | 03/08/2021
The 2021 Influence 100
PRovoke Media’s Influence 100 recognises the most important and influential in-house communicators from around the world. Against...