my_way_press | 25/09/2023
Containing AI In Open Societies
Both centralized giants and distributed tribes need checks and balances in the coming wave of innovation. Mustafa...
my_way_press | 25/09/2023
Over the past couple years the simple, ubiquitous hormone testosterone has become a major front of the culture...
my_way_press | 25/09/2023
The Case for the Prophetic Office
When we think of a prophet, we might well imagine a bearded and eccentric biblical seer delivering God’s...
my_way_press | 25/09/2023
Digression 3: CORROSION – Rust Never Sleeps
DEFEATING RUST is an endless drudgery of oiling, greasing, brushing, scraping, cleansing, swabbing, painting, repainting, re-repainting, and finally...
my_way_press | 25/09/2023
Η Αθήνα υποδέχεται την «Οδύσσεια της Δημοκρατίας», μια μόνιμη συνέλευση των πολιτών της ΕΕ
Η «Οδύσσεια της Δημοκρατίας» (Democratic Odyssey) είναι μια εκστρατεία για τη δημιουργία μιας μόνιμης Ευρωπαϊκής Λαϊκής Συνέλευσης, η οποία αποτελεί...