All posts tagged "ΔΝΤ"
my_way_press | 01/06/2023
Did uninsured depositors in the failed Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) need to be saved? The University of Chicago’s Raghuram...
my_way_press | 19/04/2023
ΔΝΤ: Αυξημένες πιθανότητες σκληρής προσγείωσης της παγκόσμιας οικονομίας
Οι προοπτικές της παγκόσμιας οικονομίας δείχνουν ότι οι οικονομίες αντιμετωπίζουν υψηλή αβεβαιότητα Το τελευταίο World Economic Outlook του ΔΝΤ...
my_way_press | 11/04/2023
World economy’s “tricky” phase
Many of the economic developments that shaped global policymakers’ discussions when they last gathered in the U.S. capitol have...
my_way_press | 18/01/2023
Confronting Fragmentation Where It Matters Most: Trade, Debt, and Climate Action
Fragmentation could make it even more difficult to help many vulnerable emerging and developing economies that have been...
my_way_press | 15/12/2022
Helping Europe’s Households
Governments risk worsening the energy crisis by seeking to suppress price rises—there are better options As Europe...
my_way_press | 05/11/2022
Getting Back on Track to Net Zero: Three Critical Priorities for COP27
Just this year we’ve seen the increasingly devastating effects of climate change—human tragedy and economic upheaval with typhoons...
my_way_press | 11/10/2022
ΔΝΤ: τα χειρότερα έρχονται
Η επιβράδυνση του 2023 θα έχει ευρεία βάση, με τις χώρες να αντιπροσωπεύουν περίπου το ένα τρίτο της...
my_way_press | 09/09/2022
How to Close Gender Gaps and Grow the Global Economy
Too many women are locked out of economic opportunities, which is not only unfair but also harms growth...
my_way_press | 04/08/2022
How Europe Can Protect the Poor from Surging Energy Prices
With fossil fuels likely to remain expensive for some time, governments should let retail prices rise to promote...
my_way_press | 10/05/2022
Η ποιοτική εκπαίδευση οφείλει να είναι εθνική προτεραιότητα
«Η αποτυχία προετοιμασίας είναι η προετοιμασία για την αποτυχία» – Benjamin Franklin Η πανδημία αποκάλυψε τις εκπαιδευτικές ανισότητες,...