All posts tagged "ευρωζώνη"
my_way_press | 14/05/2022
Europe’s Italian Economic Problem
Warren Buffet famously said that only when the tide goes out, do you discover who has been swimming...
my_way_press | 28/04/2022
Europe’s Economic Troubles Threaten the Stability of the Entire Globe
By Desmond Lachman Troubles have come to the eurozone economy not as single spies but in battalions....
my_way_press | 17/03/2022
Solving the euro area’s problem will take years
Υπάρχει ένα όριο στο πόσο μακριά η Ισπανία, η Ιταλία και η Ελλάδα μπορούν να συνεχίσουν τις μεταρρυθμίσεις,...
my_way_press | 17/02/2022
Competing Berlin economic players stretch Scholz’s big tent
Threat of German policy incoherence with global ramifications The three-party German coalition is a big tent. Nowhere...
my_way_press | 17/02/2022
Communications can bite central banks
Cut Powell and Lagarde some slack in a no-win situation Jerome Powell and Christine Lagarde have come under...
my_way_press | 01/01/2022
Could 2022 Bring the Collapse of the Euro?
Like the Fed, the ECB is resisting interest rate increases despite producer and consumer prices soaring. Consumer price inflation...
my_way_press | 28/12/2021
An Italian economic accident waiting to happen
Economist Herb Stein famously said that if something cannot go on forever, it will stop. If ever Stein’s dictum had applicability,...
my_way_press | 10/12/2021
The Japanification of the Eurozone
-ECB holdings of government debt are now very close to Japanese levels -As the largest Eurozone economy,...
my_way_press | 26/11/2021
Six questions on Germany’s new coalition agreement
The German coalition agreement contains sensible commitments on security policy, an ambitious agenda on climate, new-found boldness on...
my_way_press | 16/11/2021
Is Europe headed toward another debt crisis?
In 2010, the Eurozone experienced a sovereign debt crisis that shook the world economy. Today, in the wake of the...