I’m at the Stage of Life Where If You Say 1+1=5 You’re Right
my_way_press | 11/03/2023I’m in the business of badassery. It’s my job to regularly turn your world upside down. It’s my job...
William McRaven: Αν θέλετε να αλλάξετε τον κόσμο, στρώστε το κρεβάτι σας!
my_way_press | 24/02/2023Ο William McRaven είναι ένας συνταξιούχος Navy Seal και μιλάει για το γιατί τα μικρά πράγματα στη ζωή έχουν...
The toxicity of deep insecurity
my_way_press | 19/02/2023Nothing destroys more relationships, teams or companies than insecure people in power, Jim VandeHei writes. Why it matters: Beneath all bad motives,...
10 Things Your Financially Successful Friends Have Given Up
my_way_press | 05/02/2023This post is a huge wake-up call. (Even if you’re already financially successful.) We all need reminders once in...
The Smarter You Are, the Less You Are Impressed by Luxury Brands
my_way_press | 30/01/2023Luxury is hardcoded into the mind of a modern human. (Often innocently.) As you become more self-aware and decode...
The Personal Annual Review
my_way_press | 26/12/2022-While somewhat arbitrary, the end of the calendar year does present us all with a valuable opportunity to reflect...
3 Lessons from David Foster Wallace’s “This Is Water”
my_way_press | 06/12/2022-On May 21, 2005, David Foster Wallace stepped up to the podium at Kenyon College to deliver the annual...
Two Stanford Professors Explain How to Produce Hundreds of World-Changing Ideas In 1 Hour
my_way_press | 30/11/2022Cramming everyone into a conference room to “spitball” is a disaster. But with some structure and a system, literally...
Twelve Things I Don’t Give a Shit About Right Now
my_way_press | 13/11/2022They’re wasting your time and draining your life. Everyone wants you to care about their agenda. As such,...
10 Things You Won’t Give a F*ck About in 10 Years
my_way_press | 06/11/202210 years on you can’t even remember ex-lovers or what they looked like naked. Every f*ck you give...