All posts tagged "Νομισματική πολιτική"
my_way_press | 28/08/2023
Ο αβέβαιος νέος κόσμος της παγκόσμιας οικονομίας
Στην ετήσια συνάντηση των κεντρικών τραπεζιτών στο Jackson Hole του Wyoming, υπήρχε ένα επαναλαμβανόμενο θέμα σε επίσημες εφημερίδες, ομιλίες υψηλού...
my_way_press | 07/09/2022
Η ενεργειακή κρίση απειλή για την οικονομική σταθερότητα της Ευρώπης;
Η Ευρώπη βρίσκεται εν μέσω μίας «ενεργειακής καταιγίδας». Το τελευταίο έτος, σοβαρές διαταραχές έχουν προκαλέσει, ίσως, τη χειρότερη...
my_way_press | 07/09/2022
European Fiscal Governance: A Proposal from the IMF
High debt and rising interest rates put a premium on improved governance to anchor fiscal policy in EU...
my_way_press | 01/09/2022
Jackson Hole’s missed lesson
Central bankers must face up to what they got wrong At their annual symposium in Jackson Hole, central...
my_way_press | 04/08/2022
Global Current Account Balances Widen Amid War and Pandemic
The war in Ukraine and resulting increase in commodity prices are expected to contribute to a further widening...
my_way_press | 04/08/2022
Welcome to the world of general disequilibrium
Income and wealth disparities ignored by official forecasters Official forecasters use econometric models which assume all markets...
my_way_press | 13/04/2022
Europe needs action now on inflation to brake loss of euro trust
ECB should raise rates immediately to zero and prepare bigger increases later The European Central Bank’s asymmetric...
my_way_press | 11/03/2022
War and wrong sort of inflation bring back memories and lessons of the sixties
Return of guns and butter: war, inflation and central banks Lessons of the 1960s – how William...
my_way_press | 17/02/2022
Communications can bite central banks
Cut Powell and Lagarde some slack in a no-win situation Jerome Powell and Christine Lagarde have come under...
my_way_press | 30/01/2022
Why are we always unprepared for recessions?
When the economy sputters, stimulus should kick in automatically Snow in England I lived in the UK...