How we engage with LLMs
It seems popular to write about generative AI and large language models (aka LLMs) these days. There are a variety of ways in which people make sense out of this space and the whole phenomenon of “artificial intelligence” – I use double-quotes here, because the term has gotten quite blurry semantically.
I’ve been looking for a way to make sense of all of these bubbling insights, and here’s a sketch of a framework that is based on the Adult Development Theory (ADT). The framework presumes that we engage with LLMs from different parts of our whole Selves, with some parts being at earlier stages of development and some parts at the later. I call these parts “Minds”, since to us, they feel like our own minds, each with its own level of complexity and attributes. They change rapidly within us, often without us noticing.
-Sailors and Pirates
Here’s a fun metaphor for you. I’ve been chatting with colleagues about the behavior patterns and habits of leaders that I’ve been observing, and we recognized that there are two loose groups that we can see: sailors and pirates.
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