MPs vote to force Boris Johnson to seek a Brexit extension

MPs to Johnson: ‘Ask for an extension, then we’ll consider your Brexit deal.’
LONDON — U.K. MPs refused to vote on the Brexit deal Saturday — and instead forced the prime minister to seek a three-month extension first instead.
The House of Commons voted by 322 to 306 to support an amendment to the Brexit deal saying it “has considered the matter but withholds approval unless and until implementing legislation is passed.”

The move is designed to compel Prime Minister Boris Johnson to seek a three-month extension to the Brexit deadline from Brussels. He would not have had to do so if his deal had passed Saturday, even though further legislation would be required to pull the U.K. out of the EU.

Oliver Letwin, the architect of the amendment, and his allies were concerned that passing the deal could have allowed a no-deal Brexit to happen “accidentally” on October 31, if the ratification process required to make the deal law didn’t happen in time.

Johnson is now legally required under U.K. law to write to the EU asking for an extension until January 31, 2020.

If the EU offered the U.K. an extension of a different length, the prime minister would have to agree with it unless he persuaded parliament to reject it.

The government has indicated that it will not engage further with today’s vote on the deal now that it has been amended by Letwin. The motion could no longer be a straight vote on the deal and the government will instruct its MPs to abstain.

However, next week Johnson will press on with his attempt to pass the deal into law before October 31. The government is expected to present its Withdrawal Agreement Bill on Monday and hold the crucial second reading vote on it on Tuesday.

Even if a three-month extension is granted, Brexit can happen earlier if both the U.K. and EU ratify an exit deal before then. Article 50, which sets out the rules of exit, says that a state leaves the EU “from the date of entry into force of the withdrawal agreement,” or failing that, the end of the Article 50 notice period.

Ahead of Saturday’s vote, a No. 10 spokesman said that “a vote for Letwin is a vote for delay.”

Johnson told MPs Saturday morning that Brexit was “restoring sovereignty” and argued: “There can no longer be any argument for further delay,” he said. “I am convinced that an overwhelming majority in this House, regardless of our personal views, wishes to see Brexit delivered in accordance with the referendum.”


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