All posts tagged "δεξιότητες"
my_way_press | 25/05/2022
Η παραγωγικότητά σας είναι οι δεξιότητες που χρησιμοποιείτε για να κάνετε τη δουλειά σας
Σε ένα πλοίο που βυθίζεται, πώς φροντίζεις να μείνεις στεγνός, περισσότερο από όλους τους άλλους; Τα μετρητά...
my_way_press | 03/05/2022
Most Important Skill in The World
Creativity is the third most important skill according to the research by the World Economic Forum and the single most...
my_way_press | 04/02/2022
How to upskill for 2022
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has shown that we must expect the unexpected and upskilling ourselves is one way...
my_way_press | 10/12/2021
Vertical development: cultivating mindsets, emotions, and habits to lead effectively
The lesser-known field of adult development psychology, often called vertical development, is at least as important as neuroscience...
my_way_press | 23/10/2021
In a high-skill, high-tech economy, who is work for?
As the UK government pivots towards artificial intelligence as industrial strategy, we must reflect on the purpose of...
my_way_press | 08/09/2021
The modern curriculum
We’ve spent 130 years indoctrinating kids with the same structure. Now, as some of us enter a post-lockdown...
my_way_press | 14/08/2021
We asked young people about work and skills. Here’s what they told us
• We polled 11,000 young people around the world and spoke to a small group of them about...
my_way_press | 15/06/2021
Έρευνα EY: Η Generation Z είναι αισιόδοξη για το μέλλον της, παρά την πανδημία
-Το 82% των συμμετεχόντων που εκπροσώπησαν τη Gen Z σε παγκόσμια έρευνα της EY, δηλώνουν αισιόδοξοι για την...
my_way_press | 28/02/2021
Digital roles top the list of jobs on the rise in 2021
-The hottest jobs for 2021 can all be done remotely, according to LinkedIn’s analysis of work trends in...
my_way_press | 17/01/2021
Is mood a gift or a skill?
Some days, we wake up with optimism and possibility… we’re able to find more reserves, connect better and...