All posts tagged "Michael Rubin"
my_way_press | 18/05/2022
Biden’s Erdogan Appeasement Shows He Learned Nothing from Nord Stream 2
It has been just six years since Russia’s Gazprom and its German partners announced plans to expand Russian gas imports...
my_way_press | 18/05/2022
Turkey Wants a Bribe for Allowing Sweden and Finland to Join NATO
Don’t Bribe Turkey to Allow Sweden and Finland to Join NATO, Play Hardball — Against the backdrop of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine...
my_way_press | 02/05/2022
Is Turkey’s Stateless Ambassador the Sign of Things to Come?
Egemen Bagis is a colorful figure. Born in Turkey in 1970, he came to New York for his higher...
my_way_press | 30/04/2022
Sanction Turkish airlines over Russia business
Tourism is crucial to Greece. It accounts for nearly 20% of Greece’s gross domestic product and employs almost...
my_way_press | 27/04/2022
Turkey’s foreign minister salutes the Armenian genocide
More than a century ago, Ottoman Turks deliberately rounded up and murdered more than a million Armenians. ...
my_way_press | 14/04/2022
There is no difference between Donetsk and Northern Cyprus
Cyprus Gaffe Highlights Deeper Policy Flaw: Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland did not distinguish herself when, at a press...
my_way_press | 24/03/2022
Don’t trust Turkey on Ukraine
In July 2019, the Pentagon kicked Turkey out of the F-35 fighter jet program, ending Turkish factory work...
my_way_press | 22/03/2022
It’s time to go all-in on the EastMed pipeline
For Biden and Blinken to deliberately undercut European gas alternatives neither furthers national security nor combats climate change;...
my_way_press | 10/12/2021
UN undermines its own authority in new Turkey deal
UN Secretary-General António Guterres often laments limits to the UN’s authority. In the United States especially, many politicians...
my_way_press | 15/10/2021
Biden should slam the door on Turkey F-16 sale
Turkey has reportedly signaled its desire to purchase 40 F-16s from the United States and 80 kits to upgrade its...