What Are You Running From?

“It is an ironic habit of human beings to run faster when they have lost their way.”- Rollo May

The chase is on.

Countless people, running at full speed. There is no time to stop and chat and certainly no time to slow down. There is not a moment’s peace for reflection and critical thought. The future awaits. The destination is so close, but only if they hurry.

But what exactly is their destination? Why are they running so fast from one monotonous task to another? Why are they fleeing from one job they hate to a side hustle they dislike? Why are they running through all the best that life has to offer?

It’s simple. The vast majority aren’t running to something but from something.

Some are running from boredom, hoping to bypass it at all costs. They need to be plugged into the next App, the next show, the next cultural phenomena.

Others are running from people, those that they can’t stand or deal with. The middle managers, the bosses, the judging relatives and envious peers.

Many are running from their past, hoping that it doesn’t catch up to them.

Others flee from the truth because they can’t stand to have their illusions shattered.

So many are running from pain and discomfort, hoping that it never sticks its icy tendrils into them.

The majority run from the blandness of their everyday life. They choose to travel far and wide, hoping that new and exotic locations will be life altering and changing. They flood social media with the same poses at the same locations, hoping that is enough to replace the tedium.

“They change their skies, but not their souls, who run across the sea.”-Horace

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Πηγή: youtopianjourney.substack.com

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