43 Life-Changing Quotes From the World’s Most Powerful People
my_way_press | 13/06/2022The following quotes have shaped my thinking, and I refer back to them often. A great quote can...
Γίνε Jaguar
my_way_press | 06/06/2022You’re fired Your company cares about you. But, they care about their bottom line more. Over the past couple of...
Μερικές φορές οι πιο δυνατοί ανάμεσά μας είναι εκείνοι που δίνουν μάχες για τις οποίες κανείς δεν ξέρει
my_way_press | 29/05/2022Μερικές φορές οι πιο δυνατοί ανάμεσά μας είναι εκείνοι που χαμογελούν μέσα από τον σιωπηλό πόνο, κλαίνε πίσω από...
Συνάντηση Πρωταθλητών Ευρώπης: Ο Coach Παναγιώτης Γιαννάκης συζητά με τον Γιώργο Καραγκούνη
my_way_press | 25/05/2022Τα Sessions του Γηπέδου Ζωής συνεχίζονται με μια ιστορική συνάντηση και φιλοδοξούν να εμπνεύσουν τη νέα γενιά. Το...
my_way_press | 17/05/2022Empathy is a very misunderstood concept in society. Empathy is often conflated with pity, compassion, and sympathy. It is...
6 Ways to Find Freedom While Leading
my_way_press | 13/05/2022Leading can become a ball and chain for sincere leaders. Relentless challenge sucks the life out of everyone. Eventually...
Dangerous Mental Errors (You Don’t Know You’re Making)
my_way_press | 05/05/2022Part II: Cognitive biases and logical fallacies that derail your decision-making Cognitive biases and logical fallacies are systematic...
Intellectual Sparring Partners
my_way_press | 02/05/2022The secret to achieving accelerated growth and progress An intellectual sparring partner is a friend, colleague, or acquaintance...
103 Bits of Advice I Wish I Had Known
my_way_press | 01/05/2022Today is my birthday. I turn 70. I’ve learned a few things so far that might be helpful to...
The Disease of The Present? Inaction
my_way_press | 27/04/2022THE INFECTIVITY OF INACTION “The price of inaction is far greater than the cost of making a mistake.”-Meister...